from 100 to 80Decreased by 20.00%
Real-world Examples
Price Reduction
Price decrease from $100 to $80 may indicate market competition or sales strategy.
Cost Optimization
Expense reduction from $100 to $80 shows improved operational efficiency.
Resource Usage
Resource consumption drop from 100 to 80 units reflects conservation efforts.
Budget Planning
Budget adjustment from $100 to $80 demonstrates strategic resource allocation.
Similar Calculations
Step by Step Solution
Given Values:
- Original Value: 100
- New Value: 80
Step 1: Calculate the Difference
80 - 100 = -20
Step 2: Divide by Original Value
-20 ÷ 100 = -0.2000
Step 3: Convert to Percentage
-0.2000 × 100 = -20.00%
Final Result:
Change Direction
Percentage Change
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